Thursday, August 23, 2007

Final Challenge!

Your challenge is to scraplift your favorite layout done by your partner. If you're racing alone now, you can scraplift any other racer. But, your layout needs to be about the ADSR. You must scrap your page about your favorite aspect of the Amazing Digi Scrapping Race.

That's it. Two components. A scraplift and a topic.

Jamie's Layout

Karie's Layout


Okay, this layout was the most difficult by far for me! Not because I couldn't find one of Jamie's great LO's to scraplift, but because I had to go through 3 computers, 1 EHD, way too many hours to count and at least 6 hours working on an internet connection to get this bad boy done!!! I just couldn't let my partner down! I had finished my layout on Thursday night, saved it to my EHD and went to bed. I had been having difficulty with my internet connection on my laptop and was transferring everything to the desktop to be uploaded to the internet. When I woke up, there was NO INTERNET!!! My laptop had to be sent off to be fixed, won't be back for 2-3 weeks, I left my disk in the drive, didn't get everything I needed backed up, found out that they will wipe out my harddrive, ugh, and cannot find another computer within my family that has enough power to run PSE!!!!!! Can you say CRAP!!! I have even tried those rental places, I would gladly rent a computer from them for a month, but they all want a 3 month contract! Lord help me! So, I finally got my old dinosaur desktop to work, took over an hour and a half to do this very simple LO and here it is! I of course had to use some kits on a disc I found! LOL, it can only get better!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Challenge #11

Challenge: We've been going to the movies as part of our Blockbuster Summer here at RAKScraps. Your challenge is to create a layout about your favorite movie and how it relates to you!

Karie's Layout


Jamie's LayoutCredits:

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Challenge #10

Your Challenge: Your challenge is to scrap about your favorite place to go/visit and the emotions that you feel when you are there. Why you adore that place so much? How does it make you feel? What does it smell like? What do you do when you are there?

Ie: Your favorite place could be grandma’s house, a park, museum, your old school, etc. etc. etc!

-Use the word “ Satisfaction ” SOMEWHERE in your layout.

-Use several alphas on your layout to create an oversize title.

You may do either a one or two page layout.

The Prize: $5.00 coupon code to!!!

Have fun and good luck!!

Karie's Layout

Okay, so it was my turn to do the layout! I picked my Grandma's house as my favorite place. Since I moved to Tennessee in 1993 I am not able to be there as much as I would like. But whenever I go to visit it's like coming home. It is so comforting and everyone is always welcomed. It doesn't hurt that one of my most favorite people in the world lives there, Gogo! She has been such a great Grandmother and friend to me, words cannot express how I feel for her. I remember baking cookies, canning, making spaghetti and helping Papa with his garden growing up. Such fond memories! Every birthday we would get together down at the house for cake and ice cream! March, May, July, Sept & November were the birthday parties and of course we would usually have Thanksgiving and Christmas there too, until the family started outgrowing the "Little" house!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Challenge #9

At Oscraps we’re all about keepin’ it real, so your next challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to scrap your *most embarrassing moment*—you know, that time you put your foot in your mouth big-time, or got caught doing something you never would have done if you’d known people were watching? Yeah—scrap that!

But that’s not all! For this challenge you MUST:

--Use a photo that goes with your most embarrassing moment. It doesn’t have to be a photo of the actual moment (because who stops in the middle of something super e
mbarrassing and says, “Hey, I should get a picture of this so I can scrap it later!”?), but just a visual aid to the story. If you walked around all day with a piece of toilet paper hanging out the back of your pants, then use a photo of a roll of toilet paper. Wink

--Journal about your embarrassing moment.

--Use at least one ribbon

--Use at least one tag

--Use at least two different fonts on your layout (not including alphas)

The idea behind this challenge is to be able to take an honest look at ourselves and admit that sometimes we’re not always as smooth as we’d like to be. And that’s totally okay. If you can laugh at yourself, you are blessed indeed!

Karie's Layout


Jamie's Layout


Thursday, August 9, 2007

Challenge #8

Your Challenge: Each participant needs to create a layout using the theme “Girl Talk.” Some ideas of how to use the theme: Show us the person you are most likely to “girl talk” with… what is most often the topic of discussion in your “girl talk”? what about when you were a teen? what was the girl talk then? what is it now? how’s it changed? Just about anything goes as long as you incorporate the theme in some way.

Karie's Layout


Jamie's Layout


Monday, August 6, 2007

Challenge #7

The Challenge:

For this challenge each of you will be creating a multi-photo layout. And not just 2 or 3 photos - you must use a minimum of TEN PHOTOS on your layout!!!!

Now there's a twist so pay close attention... Smiles

You will choose your background paper(s), photos and title and will arrange them the way that you want them. THEN you and your partner will TRADE your layouts and your partner will be responsible to embellish your layout for you! On a sidenote, I'm not sure what the official policy is on trading layouts, but it is very important that we not go anywhere near file sharing. If your partner owns the same products you used for your background paper and/or title, then you may share your .psd file. If they do not own the same products, then you must send a flattened .jpg. I hope this isn't too confusing!

Jamie's Layout


Karie's Layout


Friday, August 3, 2007

Challenge #6

You will need to create a "messy" style layout. Please use a solid paper and only 2 patterns for any paper extras. You must use at least 15 elements and no more than two elements can be from the same designer. Please do not use the same element repetetively more than twice as this counts as your two items per designer. Use this roadblock to challenge your creativity and to think outside your normal scrapping box. The messier the better and please feel free to use more than 15 elements as that is the minimum requirement only. We would also love to see some fancy title work (an alpha used for your title work can be considered one element) and there should be at least a tiny bit of journaling. Include dates, location and names somewhere on the layout.